We provide Band Marching Uniforms – Measurements will be taken at Registration, and we will have a dedicated day for Uniform Fittings.
Items are individually ordered from the Boosters at Registration or through the Online Store.
Information on Concert Uniforms for Band and Orchestra are below!
Concert Attire Suggested Purchase Links
All black dress shoes or flats. Dinkles worn during marching band are acceptable.
Any nylon long dress socks are acceptable.
Marching Band
Suggested Purchase Links
Any white V - Neck is Acceptable. To be worn underneath the marching jacket.
*Separate from their P.E shorts.
Any nylon long dress socks are acceptable.
Flip Folder: Needed by all wind Instruments. (Not need for Percussion)
Click here!​
Lyres: Not needed for Percussion
Saxophone: Take your saxophone to a music store (we suggest Imperial Band Instruments in La Habra) and have them show you which lyres will work for your instrument. ​
Mellophone/Baritone/Tuba: Take your instrument to a music store (we suggest Imperial Band Instruments in La Habra) and have them show you which lyres will work for your instrument.
Percussion - Snare Drums
Marching band Accessories
Each student is expected to have all that they need to play their instruments during class time. For woodwind players, this would include having reeds and cork grease. For brass instruments, valve oil and slide grease, and for string instruments, rosin! Below are some links to suggested and cost-efficient products for the various instruments. If your student is taking lessons, buy what their instructor suggests and if you already have something listed below, you DO NOT need to buy it again.
Woodwinds (Clarinet and Saxophones)
Clarinet Reeds if new to the instrument: ​​​
Trumpet, Mellophone, Baritone, Tuba
Marching Drum Sticks (Required)
Violin and Viola
Bass Donut